Biofield tuning course Manchester

18/06/19 Biofield tuning course Manchester

I discovered Biofield tuning one evening while surfingYouTube. So I wanted to know how this phenomena occurs and took the first course I could in Manchester. There is a life field around almost everything. The universe produces torus fields as its primary form of electromagnetic existence and communication. They are around, people, mammals, magnets, electrical cables, planets, stars, electric motors and galaxies to name but a few, et al. So for sound to be used as a medium to understand and become congruent with what was going on in the human biofield - I had to find out if it was true for my own research. From a position of scientific scepticism I had my mind blown wide open. Your biofield is a library of historical events and practitioners are able to find and dissolve the events if they are stored as a trauma or negative historical memory with amazing accuracy. I highly recommend watching Eillen Mchusick lecture on our resource page to know more.